Refurbished Mac Buyers Guide for Real Estate Agents

Refurbished Mac Buyers Guide for Real Estate Agents

Why Refurbished Mac Laptops and Desktops are Best for Your Real Estate Agency.

Everybody knows that Macs are better than PCs. And so do your clients. You don’t want your clients to see you in an old beat up car when you meet with them to view a house or apartment. It’s important to look successful. And carrying a Macbook Pro or Macbook Air with you can only help your image and make a great first impression on your clients.

But there is no reason you can’t stay within budget when you purchase your Macs. GainSaver makes it possible to get the Macs you need at truly affordable prices with refurbished Mac laptops and desktops that come with our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. GainSaver makes buying refurbished Macs as easy as buying new. And unlike buying from a stranger, GainSaver’s Money Back Guarantee and low cost Extended Warranty program take out all the risk.

Why refurbished Macs?

Apple Macs are much more than just a status symbol. You can do anything with a refurbished used Mac. Easily sync your iPhone or iPad with your refurbished Mac so you can crop and enhance your iPhone photos of the properties you are selling or leasing. Macs are great for creating business graphics for business cards and letterhead. And they are perfect for designing post cards and flyers for local mailing campaigns to potential home buyers in the neighborhood.

Refurbished Macs are extremely durable. As a real estate agent, you need your laptop with you everywhere you go. And Macbook Pros and Macbook Airs can take it. They are engineered to last. And one more consideration for refurbished Macs is that they are easy to set up and very secure. You’re safer from viruses and hackers when you run your real estate agency on refurbished Macs.

Get two computers in one

Some businesses just can’t escape Windows. Due to system requirements for legacy software applications that require Windows, many realtors think they need a PC. But that’s simply not the case. It turns out that refurbished Macs are the best computers you can buy for running Windows and your PC business applications.

When you order your used refurbished Mac laptops and desktops from GainSaver, we can custom configure them with both the Mac operating system and Windows. So when your refurbished Mac arrives, you have two computers in one! This fact really adds to the affordability of refurbished Macs when you consider that they can replace all the PCs in your office, and run twice as many applications.

Refurbished Macs for real estate agents

Which refurbished Mac laptops and desktops are best for real estate professionals? GainSaver has great deals on refurbished Mac laptops for real estate agents on the go, who spend a lot of time taking clients out to visit properties. And we always have refurbished used iMacs on sale that can power your real estate business applications, as well as high performance creative software.

Refurbished Macbook Airs for real estate agents

This is the laptop you want for taking notes and storing client information. A Refurbished Macbook Air won’t weigh you down when you are out on long walks or tackling multiple flights of stairs.

The limitation you’ll find with a Macbook Air is the size of the screen. If you are the only person who will be looking at it, then the screen size shouldn’t be a problem. But for sharing images and property information with clients, a bigger screen might be better.

Refurbished Macbook Pros for realtors

A refurbished Macbook Pro is the most versatile piece of office equipment you can buy. You can use it to design your website, enhance photos, run your accounting software, and do presentations for your clients on site or in your office.

The screen size of a 15-inch used Macbook Pro is fine for clients to view. And refurbished Macbook Pros from GainSaver are available with Intel Quad Core i7 processors that give them the performance of desktop computers. You’ll be happy with your refurbished Macbook Pro everywhere you use it.

Refurbished iMacs for real estate offices

There are many office applications you will be running to manage your real estate agency. And refurbished iMacs are powerful and versatile enough to handle all of them - from managing clients and leads with your favorite CRM software, to image manipulation and video production. And you’ll love the large screen and high resolution when you update your website with your refurbished iMac.

The iMac screen is famous for its brightness and sharp contrast. It also supports a wide range of viewing angles so you can view it from the side without losing picture quality. When your clients visit your office, a refurbished iMac is a fantastic presentation device. With either a 21-inch or 27-inch refurbished iMac, your clients will be able to see your slideshows and videos from across your desk, without straining their necks to get closer.

You can order a refurbished iMac from GainSaver custom configured with the additional memory and hard drive space you’ll need for doing video production. Use your iPhone to shoot your raw video of the homes, apartments or office space you are promoting to potential buyers or tenants. Transfer the video to your refurbished iMac and easily create appealing videos that highlight your properties better than any photos can.

Get the best for less at GainSaver

Refurbished Apple Macs are the best tools you can have to run your real estate agency and impress your clients. When you purchase from GainSaver, you’ll save money on high quality refurbished Macs that are fully tested and inspected. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Give GainSaver a try and we’re sure you’ll love your refurbished Mac!

May 31st 2018

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